Student Life

The college's vibrant student life serves to bring students together, develop a sense of belonging, contribute to the overall well-being and consequently to the academic success of all.

Student life

Student activities at the College

Our College has a vibrant and energetic student community that makes the student experience unforgettable. At the College, student life is at the heart of our students’ academic development. It allows students to bond with each other, get involved and develop their interests, social skills and teamwork skills in an incomparable college experience.

The Student Life services is to work with and for you to help ensure an enjoyable environment for all students at the college or online. The Student Life Coordinator is there to listen to students’ needs and offers assistance and support in many areas.

In addition, with the help of the class representatives who are elected by their peers, the coordinator plans and organizes extracurricular activities with the goal of developing a sense of belonging, contributing to the general well-being and therefore to the academic success of all. The student life coordinator is also responsible for the “Guichet unique” which contains many informative resources that concern students, particularly those related to sexual violence and other topics related to their health and personal development. The services also include the Alumni Newsletter, the Agenda, the Graduation photos, etc.

Here are a few examples of Student Services Initiatives:


Numerous social activities are organized throughout the year and student involvement in these events is strongly encouraged. These activities give students the opportunity to develop a deeper sense of social conscience, while promoting solid leadership and teamwork skills. At the same time, participation in these activities help forge social networks and an overall feeling of unity within the student body.

  • Orientation Days
  • Multicultural Day
  • Graduation
  • A variety of contests
  • Student Club and Comittees: Environmental, Health, First Aid and Security, travel, fundraising and charity

Also, much attention is given to the promotion of healthy and active living through awareness campaigns, and to encouraging students’ participation in our sports teams.


  • Environment
  • Social Life
  • Health and Prevention

And much more… according to your interests and your wishes.


Class Representatives

Each year, the class representatives are elected by the members of the student body. They encourage open communication by representing their class when speaking to teachers and members of the administration, as well as by conveying all important college information to their classmates. They participate in scheduled meetings where they are consulted on aspects of student life, and they must prepare a report at the end of each school year with the purpose of sharing comments and suggestions.

In addition, the class representatives are involved in the organization and the promotion of the college’s various social and cultural activities. They also play an important role in welcoming new and returning students, thus fostering the sense of belonging and creating a harmonious living environment in the college.

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