Campus and Installations


College Campus

Collège O’Sullivan de Montréal Inc. has been located in the heart of downtown Montreal for over 100 years. Its positioning makes it accessible by metro, train, bicycle and car.

Located 5 minutes walk from Peel metro station (Green line) and Lucien-L’Allier (Orange line), and the Lucien-L’Allier train station.

There are paid parking lots around the college (Students benefit from a discount).

Contact us

514 866-4622

1 800 621-8055

1191,  de la Montagne Street,
Montréal (Québec), H3G 1Z2

Metro : Lucien-L’Allier / Peel

Train : Lucien-L’Allier

College Installations

Discover the College with the Virtual Tour.

Virtual Tour